6 ianuarie 2021 2022-09-20 22:20Acasa
Life coaching certification program
THE Next Generation
Do you want to be Coach? There is only one way you can practice legally this profession in Romania. Accreditation of the ANC! It is available to you now in six months. Join us!
Team coaching certification program
AMAzing TEAM Coaching Certification
Do you want more benefits with less effort? Well, people need YOU to be their best TEAM COACH! Join us!
AMAzing Life Coaching
For a truly AMAzing Life, you receive all the acceptance, understanding and support from our competent professionals, Accredited AMAzing Life Coaches. Each One Unique. Just like you are.
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Ana-Maria Alexandru AMC IAPC&M
Founder AMA Leadership Academy
My mission is to contribute to a better world, with Appreciation, Mastery, Harmony. I feel I fulfill it through every coaching, training and leadership program that I deliver with our wonderful team. Coaching Specialists and Experts in Complementary fields, we are here for you to fulfill your most beautiful dreams and highest aspirations.